Trend Spotting: Single Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is not a Hallmark Holiday. It’s celebrated throughout the globe in different ways and at different times of the year.

In the US, Mother’s Day remains a perennial institution that goes back over a century even as our concept of family, femininity, and motherhood has evolved over time.

There is a growing cohort of single mothers by choice (by definition, mothers without a cohabiting partner).

These mothers tend to be over 30, are well-educated, and have the financial means to live a comfortable life as a single-parent family. This makes them an ideal cohort from the marketing point of view, particularly given their unique (unmet) needs.

Given the fact that this is a growing trend, this is a cohort marketers cannot ignore.

More bullet points for the list (updated).

Add these to yesterday’s list:

For the times are they a-changin’? (or “Why I’m not impressed.”)

Then: (1974)


  • Eric Garner (killed Thursday, July 17, 2014 – 43 years old)
  • Michael Brown (killed Saturday, (August 9, 2014 – 18 years old)
  • Walter Scott (killed Saturday, April 4, 2015 – 50 years old)
  • Freddie Gray (killed Tuesday April 12, 2015 – 25 years old)
  • Freddie Gray’s Death Ruled a Homicide (today)


So: For the times are they a-changin’?

NOTE: A more exhaustive list of unarmed Black men killed by police can be found here.